Hollosi Information eXchange /HIX/
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Megrendelés Lemondás
1 Re: Mr. Keeler & his poetry! (mind)  21 sor     (cikkei)
2 Ke rem egy magyar dal szo:vege t... (mind)  13 sor     (cikkei)
3 News (and email) format / Re: This newsgroup (mind)  34 sor     (cikkei)
4 Re: Cenzura ! (mind)  24 sor     (cikkei)
5 Re: Cenzura ! (mind)  23 sor     (cikkei)
6 Magyar Asszonyok az Osszefogasert - alairasok (mind)  9 sor     (cikkei)
7 soccer ticets (mind)  5 sor     (cikkei)
8 Re: Transilvania was,is and would be romanian province (mind)  38 sor     (cikkei)
9 Re: Strength in diversity [was: Transilvania was,is an (mind)  41 sor     (cikkei)
10 The Rite of Pissing In Different Colours (mind)  65 sor     (cikkei)
11 Penury Gyuri s Ms Handling of English (mind)  32 sor     (cikkei)
12 Mistress of Purge-gatory (mind)  14 sor     (cikkei)
13 Bland Gland s Likes & Dislikes (mind)  55 sor     (cikkei)
14 Penury Gyuri Guzzles Grape Juice (mind)  32 sor     (cikkei)
15 Imitation and Failed Flaterry aka Flatulence (mind)  29 sor     (cikkei)
16 Re: "I love you" in many languages Re: Please help tran (mind)  9 sor     (cikkei)
17 Re: Imitation and Failed Flaterry aka Flatulence (mind)  23 sor     (cikkei)
18 Re: Bland Gland s Likes & Dislikes (mind)  14 sor     (cikkei)
19 Re: Mr. Keeler & his poetry! (mind)  9 sor     (cikkei)
20 Re: Ke rem egy magyar dal szo:vege t... (mind)  24 sor     (cikkei)
21 Re: The Rite of Pissing In Different Colours (mind)  10 sor     (cikkei)
22 Re: Mistress of Purge-gatory (mind)  8 sor     (cikkei)
23 Re: Mr. Keeler & his poetry! (mind)  24 sor     (cikkei)
24 Re: "I love you" in many languages Re: Please help tran (mind)  51 sor     (cikkei)

+ - Re: Mr. Keeler & his poetry! (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >,  > wrote:
>Gabor Barsai > wrote:
>>To be fair to Wally, when he's not making a fool of himself babbling about
>>his (non-existent) poetic creativity, his posts usually contain useful
>>information, or at least I find.
>Gyorgy Kovacs > wrote:
>>That sounds like a very accurate description of the situation.
>Do I see a white flag going up here?  Good!
>OK, Wally, be magnanimous now!  No need to rub it in.

No white flag. Just credit where it's due.
+ - Ke rem egy magyar dal szo:vege t... (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

E'n vagyok egy horvat, aki egy keveset magyarul besze'lni tud.
Egy magyar dal nagyon tetszik nekem, tala'n nem nagyon komoly a dal...
Tudom, hogy igy kezdeti:
.......Megy a go:zo:s, megy a go:zo:s Kanizsa'ra
.......Kanizsai, Kanizsai a'lloma'sra
.......Elo:l u:l a masiniszta, aki go:zo:st, aki go:zo:s igazi'tja.

De tova'bb nem tudom....
Ha valaki segi'teni akar, ke'rem pontosan i'rni, pe'ldaul igy:
  ....  a' i' o' u' o: o" u: u"  .....stb.
Legjobban ku:ldeni az e-mail-ot    ci'm fele'...
Davor Klobucar
+ - News (and email) format / Re: This newsgroup (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)


On 3 May 1996, Gyorgy Kovacs wrote:
> A lot of mailers and newsreaders enable the user to use your favorite Word
> Processor to write your letter or followup, and than send it. If it is a
> windows based one, and your default font is set to smaller than a 10cpi size
> (e.g. 8 points) than the width of your text will be more than 80 caracters.
 But any newsreader sending by default over 80 chars lines is broken; and
people communicating in such a way with the world where 80 column
terminals are the standard (and some transmissions may even cut longer
lines) are inconsiderate at best. 

> And USENET is part of the Internet as the word Internet used in
> its wide interpetation.
 That's a wrong interpretation, since Usenet is a different kettle of fish
altogether. But then the 80 char practical limit does apply to much of the
text-based portions of Internet just as well, as does in the non-Internet 
email too. 

- --
 Zoli , keeper of <http://www.hix.com/hungarian-faq/>;
 <'finger '> 
KC2: (NAME_WITHELD+)X2 (Grubor+)*2 (Fomin+++)/3 (cjames++)*3
     Iatskovski-+ (Petersen--)/2
Personal PGP: 0x3B339A21 = AF 35 25 A2 FA 65 AC E5  48 91 AD 42 6C 84 4B 05

Version: 2.6.2

+ - Re: Cenzura ! (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In >,  writes:
>Idezet a "Nemzet - Magyar Internet Vilaglap" majus 1-i
>[blah blah]

Es en mar hogy orultem ennek a hosszu szunetnek!  Mar kezdtem remelni
hogy valami jotet kamionsofor kivasalta peli bacsit (persze hogy
kisbetuvel, mint nemecsek), aztan fek, hatramenet, majd megint elore -
es igy tovabb.  Erre vele egyutt bedugultak volna az istvanok, julik,
belak, lacik, mar eszben sem tudom tartani hogy ki mindenki.

De isten az atyam, nincs szerencsenk.  Peli ba' ketdimenziossa alakulas
helyett akar sotet abrazattal, gonosz vigyorral szaja szegleteben meg
butykolhetett is volna virtualis teremtmenyein, de mar megint csak
szofosasra tellett.

De lehet ezt maskepp is latni.  Liberiaban embert olnek, talan esznek is
a husukbol.  A Nemetorszagbol kitoloncolando boszniai menekultekre
odahaza nagy kampo var.  Kozben Szudanban leesik egy repulo a
homokviharban, Kinaban foldrenges pusztit.  Nekunk meg itt a peli bacsi.
Tulajdonkepp meg jol is jartunk.

Nagy Peter
(peli bacsi-rajongo)
+ - Re: Cenzura ! (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >,
>Hogy ez az elkepeszto hazugsagozon ne fulladjon kozrohejbe,
>termeszetesen nem maradt mas a "Hungary" lista tulajdonosanak,
>mint hogy CENZURAT VEZETETT BE - termeszetesen nem
>Kornai, Balogh, Fencsik es mas liberalis idiotak ellen, hanem
>mindazok ellen, akik (felhasznalva a "public.siliconvalley" domain
>altal nyujtott vedelmet) 1956-ert, es azaltal az adossagelengedesert
Pistabatyam !

Nem tunt fel hogy a Magyarok *NEM* kuzdenek adossagelengedesert ugyanis egy 
ilyen keres automatikusan lejjebb sorolna bennunket azoknak a 
szupermarkettulajdonosoknak a szemeben akikhez annyira torekszunk?


Szaszvari Peter
+ - Magyar Asszonyok az Osszefogasert - alairasok (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Koszonom az alabbiaknak, hogy alairtak az osszefogasra valo
felhivast. A neveket tovabbitottam a budapesti gyujtoknek.

Pa'pai Eva
Zink Georgina
Birta Anna
Horvath Rosemarie
Kovacs Eva
Szabadosne Gyaraki Ildiko
+ - soccer ticets (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

Where do you buy soccer tickets in hungary?  I will be studying there in the 
summer and fall and I'd like to attend some matches.  Does anyone know who the 
top teams are right now?

+ - Re: Transilvania was,is and would be romanian province (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >, (-S-L-I
-C-E-) says:

The posting is obviously a half-witted troll, but the infantile poster,
like any mischievous child, still needs to be admonished for his own 

>  Didn't read all this, but it don't matter... 

It is thoroughly impertinent (not to say fantastically stupid) to boast 
that you can comment on something (especially after posting it with your 
so-called "comment") after having not read it. Your incredible psychic 
insight also reveals that you didn't read any of the other postings on 
the thread (which explored this matter fairly thoroughly) with the main 
Romanian contributor accepting that long standing indigenous language/
cultures anywhere should not be repressed.

>though something else
>I've noticed and herd... is that Hungarians are trying to get a piece
>of Romania, and act or think it was theirs, (Transilvania) heck, since
>I can remember or the history of Europe.. Trans. never belonged to

Try reading a history book or two (not feather-brained Ceaucescu era 
versions which sound pretty similar to you) before vomiting such a stupid 
betrayal of your ignorance. God, how did you manage to post this with an 
IQ as low as yours? WELL DONE! Wonders never cease......

>it is not Rom.'s fault cuz they ran away from their own
>country and went to Rom. and multiplyed as the time went along... 
[verbal diarrhoea snipped]

The rest isn't worth replying to... what an utter asshole! 

 George Szaszvari, DCPS Chess Club, 42 Alleyn Park, London SE21 7AA, UK
 Planet Earth, Milky Way Galaxy * Cybernautic address: 
 Chess books? Ask for my list! ** Acorn..RISC OS * ICPUG..Commodore=64!
+ - Re: Strength in diversity [was: Transilvania was,is an (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >, g > says:

>|| Another important point is to have a single European language besides one's
>|| own indigenous language. Surely you agree that unifying the linguistic
>|| aspect of a Unified Europe would solve a lot of problems? (as you keep
>|| insisting should happen in Romania.) This doesn't mean do away with local
>|| languages, rather encourage them, but alongside a European (if not global)
>|| standard of communication (French, Esperanto, English. whatever might be
>|| considered most suitable.) BTW Are you really equating the EC with Soviet
>|| rule in Eastern Europe? If so, then that's absurd! Stand for another period
>|| in corner with funny hat on.
>What a beautiful vision!...
>Ejnye, Gyuri! Is that your "Europe-of-the-regions"? Don't you see the centrali
>temptations (if not... perils!)? I think most of the UK eurocitizens are a bit
 more skeptical, 
>aren't they? :-)

Okay, I confess that this *vision* of a Unified Europe living in harmony 
without politico-nationalistic boundaries is unlikely to ever happen at
this stage of human evolution (though I would love to be pleasantly 
surprised), but without any vision at all there will never be any progress.
The blinkered outlook of nationalism is a result of tribal consciousness, 
as opposed to universal consciousness. Isn't it time humans moved out of
the sociological Stone Age? With all the advancements in technology, etc, 
humankind itself has hardly evolved at all! It's as Jerry Rawlings (one 
helluva character!) said, in his public education tours of Ghanaian villages
(a few decades ago): *It's time for you all to grow up and leave childhood 
behind!* Although the context was entirely different, the same address could
be usefully made to all peoples around the globe. Naively utopian, you might
think...but don't forget that life on earth is a very limited and ephemeral
thing....let's get beyond that stage for a change...

 George Szaszvari, DCPS Chess Club, 42 Alleyn Park, London SE21 7AA, UK
 Planet Earth, Milky Way Galaxy * Cybernautic address: 
 Chess books? Ask for my list! ** Acorn..RISC OS * ICPUG..Commodore=64!
+ - The Rite of Pissing In Different Colours (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In >
|but i will tell you something. i shall not be posting my so called
|credentials to usenet. because i do firmly believe (call it idiosyncratic)
|that here, for once, the worth, the weight, of ones perspective may be
|evaluated by one's *content*... and the context into which one injects
|said content. credentials, at least to me, matter not one whit.
|and your behavior, the context of your posts, often is questionable. all
|too often.

Your idiotsyncratic stand is fine with me. It is clearly stated and
understood. The response and reaction to my poetry (not necessarily posts)
is questionable, all too often. The context is a "funflamefest" as Brigitta
put it. There is nothing questionable about it -- it is clearly stated. I
am dealing with a few swineheads in this context and recognizing this as
the case, I throw out imitation pearls, rather than the substantial stuff,
and I know (although you and the rest don't) that the few times when I have
thrown out the write stuff (wordscrapers) I have removed them from a
context and put them into this NG context where they are isolated from
their origins. I have also posted some conventional "write stuff" which I
claim to be write stuff. 

This latest thread was born from the word BUTAKRATA. This word was not
claimed to be poetry. It is wordplay. I posted it in response to Joe
Pannon's use of the word bureaucrat and his coment about the stupidity of
bureaucrats. I said that the more appropoetic word would be bureaucrap in
English, or butakrata in Hungarian. Obviously, this wordplay was too much
for too many fucking sourpusses in SCM. It's as if "bland is grand, keep it
grey" is the rule in SCM. I went further to claim that wordplay is an
element of poetry, that many of the world's greatest poets (not me)
indulged in this activity, and did not exclude such activity in the making
of their poems. I substantiated this claim with references to recognized

|first and foremost then, wally. a human being. thus, to qualify poetry, in
|this environment, is subjective at best. not a position that is defensible
|by credentials.

A subjective remark that I subjectively piss on -- from a great height.
In the name of Ms Tristan Tzara;
w e
     c    ent   r s               
       o l  o  u
|to qualify poetry, in this environment, is subjective at best. not a
|position that is defensible by credentials.

Wally Keeler					Poetry
Creative Intelligence Agency			is
Peoples Republic of Poetry			Poetency
+ - Penury Gyuri s Ms Handling of English (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >,
Gabor Barsai > wrote:
>To be fair to Wally, when he's not making a fool of himself babbling about
>his (non-existent) poetic creativity, his posts usually contain useful
>information, or at least I find.

In >
 (Gyorgy Kovacs) wrote:
|That sounds like a very accurate description if the situation.

If the situation what...?


If the situation what...?

Listen Penury Gyuri, if you want to lay down ground rules about English
then I suggest you learn it first. You don't have to be a poet to follow
the basic and fundamental rules of this "great language" as you put it. My
eight year old son can recognize your sloppy English. Use your grammar and
spell checker if you're unable to use your brain and $9.95 education. I am
calling you on it because you have assumed, arbitrarily, the position of
being on sentry duty for English. If you are unable to follow the
fundamental rules, then you are dismissed from the position. Don't let it
happen again. You have been warned more than enough times. Sheeeesh!

Wally Keeler					Poetry
Creative Intelligence Agency			is
Peoples Republic of Poetry			Poetency
+ - Mistress of Purge-gatory (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

 (Gabor Barsai) wrote:
|At their place, where else. She's doing a lap dance for 'im. Then, Wally
|will conduct his "moose mating call", and they'll "do it" like
|moose-heads. After the fun, they'll hopefully visit their friendly
|neighborhood hospital, and get lobotomies at the same time, since they're
|f-ART-ners. Then again, maybe they should just visit their friendly
|neighborhood proctologist, and get enemas, to clear out their systems.
I guess this is where your pre-med chick comes in handlessy.
The Mistress of Purge-gatory!
Wally Keeler					Poetry
Creative Intelligence Agency			is
Peoples Republic of Poetry			Poetency
+ - Bland Gland s Likes & Dislikes (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In >
 (Gabor Barsai) wrote:
|So you're gonna force us to like your poetry with some dorky references?

What you like or do not like is of no importance to me. 

|I like Shakespeare. I like Kolcsey. I like Balassy. I like Poe. I like
|Gardonyi. I like Fekete Istvan. I like the Canadian Rock group "Rush".
|I don't know why they appeal to me, but they do. Maybe, because I can find
|some similarity between my life and what they produced.

When my son was four he also knew what he LIKED. 

|I don't like Rimbaud, or Walt Whitman, or Faulkner or Picasso (although I
|did like the "Adventures of Picasso"; one of the best films I have ever
|seen!) or Bartok. I can't find any similarity between my life and what
|they produced. Just as I don't like your style, no matter how many
|credentials you have.

When my son was four he also knew what he DISLIKED.

There is no pretension involved in expressing what one likes or does not
like. There is no accomplishment, no insight, no astuteness to state one's
dislikes and likes. "I don't know much about art, but I know what I like."
There is not an artist who cares about such comments because they are
insubstantial. The artist would care about the perceptions of his or her
peers and colleagues. 

I have encountered art that is not a style that appeals to me. I have
encountered art that has no similarity to anything in my life's
experiences. In spite of that, I can recognize that it has value as a work
of art, it exists as art, and that it holds interest by others, including
those with a more perceptive eye than I have. The art may simply belong to
a genre that is unfanthomable to me. But I will acknowledge it as art. I
may loath certain human beings, but that does not mean they are not human
beings. They are. RUSH does not personally appeal to me, but that says more
about me than it does about RUSH. And the fact that RUSH does not appeal to
Wally Keeler, does not discredit RUSH. I am quite ready to acknowledge that
RUSH makes a valuable contribution to music. My liking or not liking RUSH
has no bearing on their artistic abilities. Whether you LIKE my "poetics"
or not has no bearing on the "poetics" themselves.

It is your opinion a.k.a. asshole.

|On the other hand, when you're not stuck up on your "poetry", your posts
|are very objective, I find.

When you are not stuck up on my "poetry" your posts, well, gee, what else
have you focused on the past month except my "poetry." Thank you for the
attention, now go away, shoo! Fuck off!

Wally Keeler					Poetry
Creative Intelligence Agency			is
Peoples Republic of Poetry			Poetency
+ - Penury Gyuri Guzzles Grape Juice (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

 (Gyorgy Kovacs) wrote:
|Closing comments: I don't have to be perfect in spelling or grammar, since
|I don't claim to be a poet or native speaker of this great language.

Although you claim the arrogant position to suggest English lessons for
others. Thanks, you just pulled the rug out from under yourself.

|Wally claims both, you claim to be a poet.

We do. We are. 

|I don't have to be a master cook to determine whether the food tastes good
|or not. (I hope you are able to comprehend the analogy.)

This is the case for the pedestrian simple-minded. However, you have to be
informed if you want to be conversant as to why the food may or may not
taste good, or rather, taste exquisite, spicy, bland, zestful, and a
thousand other permutations. Yes my dear Penury Gyuri, there are wine
tasters and there are grape juice guzzlers. You are a grape juice guzzler
and yes I believe you when you say that this or that grape juice is good or
not good. (I hope you are able to comprehend the implications.)

|You are bored and boring.
|Gyorgy Kovacs

You are dumb and dumber,
Penury Gyuri

Wally Keeler					Poetry
Creative Intelligence Agency			is
Peoples Republic of Poetry			Poetency
+ - Imitation and Failed Flaterry aka Flatulence (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >,
Brigitta Bali > wrote:
>:>Of you have no capability. You are Mr Bland Gland.
>:Does oo spik Inglish? You are talking about an interest which isn't there
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\
>                      A failed attempt at wordplay

In >
 (Gabor Barsai)
|I did not attemp wordplay, my little anurism, just imitating yore nollij
|ov da Inglush lengwage.                           /^^^^^^^^^
                        And what a failed immitation it was!
                        Vancouver poet Bill Bisset is a
                        maestro at phonetic poetics. By
                        comparison, you would better off
                        returning your head to the cavity
                        from whence it came -- Bland Gland! 
                        What a hit!!!
                        How appropoetic!!!
                        Still searching for the hit to
                        equal Brigitta's and win the Oscar
                        for next year, Goober baby?
                        I think not. 

Wally Keeler					Poetry
Creative Intelligence Agency			is
Peoples Republic of Poetry			Poetency
+ - Re: "I love you" in many languages Re: Please help tran (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In Cambodian, there are two sentences:

1- "Borng Srolanh Aun" for male speaking to female.
2- "Aun Srolanh Borng" for female speaking to male.

I hope these will help you in your studies.

                      Eng S. Neang >
+ - Re: Imitation and Failed Flaterry aka Flatulence (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >,
Bally Feeler > wrote:
>                        I think not.

Finally, you admit what I've known all along. Ya see, I think. That's the
difference between us.

And, if you would've read my posts, I did remark on other things than your
pseudo-poetry. So no, my little anurism, I'm not gonna fuck off, why don't you
post your pathetic little pseudo-poetry in some other ng, leave us alone, and
get on with your empty little dadaist life? Even a man with obviously limited
intelligence, as yourself, should be able to tell the difference between:


Now let's see...if I were a pseudo-poet, where would I post my pseudo-poetry?
Since scr and scm are unmoderated, you can of course post here, but it really
makes no sense. But then again, what else would I expect from a sexist pig like

+ - Re: Bland Gland s Likes & Dislikes (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >,
Wally Keeler > wrote:
>dislikes and likes. "I don't know much about art, but I know what I like."
>There is not an artist who cares about such comments because they are
>insubstantial. The artist would care about the perceptions of his or her
>peers and colleagues.

Well, yes and no. I'm not an engineer, but I know which cars I like. And car 
manufacturers care about what people think of them, even at a layman's level. 
If Ford and Chrysler cared only about each other, where do you think car
manufacturing would be? Probabaly at your level of pseudo-poetry, in other
words, dismal.

+ - Re: Mr. Keeler & his poetry! (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >,  > wrote:
>OK, Wally, be magnanimous now!  No need to rub it in.

Nah, Wally's ego is just too big. He's a "poet", you see. But he's also a 
sexist pig. A snoid. He thinks because he uses vulgar words he's cool, big man 
on campus. I do hope the lobotomy will help him get his well deserved 
personality exchange.

+ - Re: Ke rem egy magyar dal szo:vege t... (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

TKC Vinkovci-Prodaja wrote:
> E'n vagyok egy horvat, aki egy keveset magyarul besze'lni tud.
> Egy magyar dal nagyon tetszik nekem, tala'n nem nagyon komoly a dal...
> Tudom, hogy igy kezdeti:
> ......Megy a go:zo:s, megy a go:zo:s Kanizsa'ra
> ......Kanizsai, Kanizsai a'lloma'sra
> ......Elo:l u:l a masiniszta, aki go:zo:st, aki go:zo:s igazi'tja.
> De tova'bb nem tudom....
> Ha valaki segi'teni akar, ke'rem pontosan i'rni, pe'ldaul igy:
>   ....  a' i' o' u' o: o" u: u"  .....stb.
> Legjobban ku:ldeni az e-mail-ot    ci'm fele'...
> Ko:szo:nom
> Davor KlobucarKedves Dovar,
It kozlom a dal elso versszakat amelyre emlekszem magam is. Ha majd e 
tobbit megtudom megkuldom neked. A dalban Kanizsa valoszinuleg a Zala 
megyeben levo Nagykanizsa lehet. Kulonben ez az egyik legkedvesebb es 
legneppszerubb magyar gyerekdal (legalabb is az volt mikor en gyerek 
voltam reges regen)
Megy a gozos, megy a gozos Kanizsara,
Kanizsai, kanizsai allomasra,
Elol ul a masiniszta,
Kia gozost, ki a gozost igazitja.
+ - Re: The Rite of Pissing In Different Colours (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >,  (Wally
Keeler) wrote:

> In the name of Ms Tristan Tzara

tristan tzara was no "ms". tristan tzara was a man.

+ - Re: Mistress of Purge-gatory (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

In article >,
Wally Keeler > wrote:
>I guess this is where your pre-med chick comes in handlessy.
Handlessy? You are quite a wordsmith you claim to be. A sexist pig. Vulgar.
Brash. Trash.

+ - Re: Mr. Keeler & his poetry! (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

On 5 May 1996, Gabor Barsai wrote:

> Nah, Wally's ego is just too big. He's a "poet", you see. But he's also a 
> sexist pig. A snoid. He thinks because he uses vulgar words he's cool, big 
> man  on campus. I do hope the lobotomy will help him get his well deserved 
> personality exchange.
> Gaborka
Poor little Gaborka, aren't we a tad PC (that is not Piece of Crap
just yet, but only Politicaly Corrrect) ?

Vulgarity has been around much longer than little dweebs like you, and
will be around a long time after folk will be pissing on your grave. It
is a relief to know that there is little that pompous little Horty avatars
can do about it !

As far as "sexist", I still have some remote  hope that you are sexist
too, unles the dikes on campus managed to brain wash you to the extent of
a de facto castration. No wonder you sound so squeeky, ya whimp !

Please stop being such a whimpy, castrato_PC_snoid, you bring shame to the
whole of Eastern Europe !

m. cristian
+ - Re: "I love you" in many languages Re: Please help tran (mind) VÁLASZ  Feladó: (cikkei)

On 2 May 1996, Fabio Bizzetti wrote:

> 3 words? not always so (i.e. in Italian you dont need to use the subject,=
> already in the tense).
> >"Jeg elsker dig."
> this was Danish I guess. (I love Denmark btw)
> I add:
> "Jag =C4lskar Dig" - Swedish (I love Sweden btw :))
> "Ti Amo" - Italian (I am Italian, btw)
> "Je T'Aime" - French
> "S'Agapo" - Greek
> "Te Amo" - Spanish (not sure)
> "Ich Liebe Dich" - German
> hmm.. no need to impress a girl this way 8-)
> Just watch her in the eyes and kiss her... 9-)
> It always worked for me :)
     Oh what a MAN you are!!! What amazing, perfect, specimens of manhood=
ALL of you Italians are!!! Do you know, the rest of the world just lives=20
in a constant state of profound jealousy, considering JUST how wonderful=20
you and your friends must be!
   OR,,,  Fotiti, cazzo! - as I believe you dashing Romeos say. Whichever=
you prefer.
>      Chris xxx

>   /----------------------------------------------------------------------=
>   |  Fabio "Maverick" Bizzetti -  - Maverick* at IRC =
>   |            The maker of "CyberMan" and "Virtual Karting"             =
>   |              working on "VirtualRally" & "StarFighter"               =
>   \----------------------------------------------------------------------=